Please use this contact form to contact me about any of the following:
Consultancy – You can see from the site content I know a lot about working from home, remote working and achieving a better work/life balance. If your company is managing the transition towards remote working and needs advice, please contact. Services include:
- Conducting a company audit of your current workplace, including staff surveys.
- Creating your company’s Helpbook for remote working
- Providing a plan for remote work or transitioning
- Help sourcing equipment, inventory management and delivery
- Presenting the benefits of remote working to key stakeholders
- Training employees in remote working best practice & conduct
- Advising on current & future remote working trends within the marketplace
- Available for conferences and panel discussions
Conferences / Panel Discussions– I’m an experienced speaker. I’ve been a keynote speaker, moderator and speaker at events around the world.
Advertising/Sponsorship – If you’re a brand or have something to promote to our audience please get in touch.
Guest Post – I’d like to hear from you if you can write in-depth, relevant articles with lots of information my readers will find useful. I’m not looking for short, link-building articles to help you sell sunglasses, Viagra or credit cards. Despite specifying this I know many of the emails I receive will still ask me if I can link to an entirely unrelated e-commerce site.
Technical problems – Despite my best efforts there is likely a typo in one of the articles or a link that doesn’t work. I’m grateful if you’d please let me know so I can continue to improve the site.
IP Capture – Please note I capture all IP addresses. Spam messages will be immediately blocked.